硫化铅资源的日益减少使氧化铅矿的开发利用受到广泛关注。氧化铅矿石浮选的难点在于其可浮性低且成分复杂, 而硫化可以有效地改善氧化铅矿的可浮性。介绍了氧化铅矿的矿石性质和浮选药剂的研究现状, 以直接浮选法和硫化-浮选法为出发点, 评述了近年来国内外氧化铅矿浮选技术研究进展及当前存在的问题, 展望了氧化铅矿浮选的研究方向, 旨在为氧化铅矿高效、清洁浮选分离提供一定的借鉴。
Abstract:The development and utilization of lead oxide ore has attracted wide attention due to the decreasing of lead sulfide resources. The difficulty of lead oxide ore flotation is its low floatability and complex composition, and sulfation can solve this problem by improving the floatability of lead oxide ore. In this paper, the ore properties of lead oxide ore and the development and application status of flotation reagents are introduced. Taking direct flotation method and sulfurization-xanthate method as the starting point, the research progress and current problems of lead oxide flotation technology at home and abroad in recent years are reviewed. The research direction of lead oxide flotation is prospected. The purpose is to provide some reference for efficient and clean flotation separation of lead oxide ore.
Key words:
- lead oxide ore /
- flotation /
- flotation reagents /
- sulfurization flotaiton
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