Research progresses on marine sandstone copper deposit and some existent problems A comparative study of the Katanga copper mine in Central Africa and the Dongchuan copper mine in Yunnan
Abstract:Marine sandstone-hosted copper deposits constitute one of the most important copper deposits in the world, and most of them occur in giant Neoproterozoic and Permian sedimentary basins.The orebodies are usually stratified and stratoid in clastic or marine carbonate rock formations with multi-layered metallogenic characteristics.Based on the research status of marine sandstone-hosted copper deposits, the authors reviewed the research results of the Katanga copper belt and the Dongchuan copper belt discovered in recent years in the aspects of metallogenic material source, metallogenic fluid property, source, transportation and metal element precipitation mechanism, and found that the basin-brine-metallogenic model of epigenetic mineralization has gradually replaced the original sedimentary-transform model.Two copper deposit belts belong to the Proterozoic sand shales-dolomitic carbonate-black carbonaceous shales.The orebody has obvious stratigraphic characteristics, and is controlled by fold, fault and breccia.A comparison of the two copper belts in the aspects of ore-bearing structure and mineralization characteristics reveals that the Dongchuan copper deposit has a high degree of similarity to the Katanga copper deposit in that they both have the characteristics of basin-brine-metallogenic model.Then, the existing problems in the study of genetic type, metallogenic mechanism and fluid source from marine sandstone copper deposit and the Dongchuan copper deposit are discussed.
Key words:
- sandstone copper deposit /
- basin brine /
- evaporate /
- Katanga copper deposit /
- Dongchuan copper deposit
图 2 砂岩型铜矿主要成矿年代与铜矿石量关系(a)和海相砂岩型铜矿不同盆地的矿石量[3](b)
Figure 2.
图 8 红层盆地卤水循环与蚀变带的关系图[7]
Figure 8.
图 9 盆地卤水成矿模式图[7]
Figure 9.
图 11 东川铜矿与加丹加铜矿赋矿层位及矿化特征对比图(图中代号注释同图 4)
Figure 11.
表 1 中非铜矿带与东川铜矿成因观点
Table 1. Genetic view of central Africabelt and the Dongchuan copper deposit
中非铜矿带 东川铜矿 年代 成因观点 观点代表 年代 主要成因观点 观点代表 20世纪初 岩浆侵入热液成因 20世纪60—80年代 基性岩奖热液成因 20世纪30—40年代 同沉积成因 沉积-变质学说 海相喷流-沉积成因 文献[45-46] 20世纪80年代 裂谷成矿模式 元古宙裂谷型铜矿成矿:“四层楼”式矿床模式 文献[38, 52] 20世纪90年代至今 沉积-改造成因:同生沉积作用是主成矿阶段 文献[15-18, 34-35, 44] 20世纪90年代至今 沉积-改造成因 文献[40, 47, 51, 53] “沉积-活化改造” 文献[41, 48-49] 热液成因 文献[50] 海相砂岩型铜矿(盆地卤水成矿) 文献[1, 3, 5, 7-8, 19] 海相砂岩型铜矿(盆地卤水成矿) 文献[6, 10, 24] -
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