Heat flow determination of Archean strata under the karst thermal reservoir of D01 well in Xiong'an New Area
研究目的 目前雄安新区范围内的热流数据多测自于新近系沉积盖层及白云岩地层,对岩溶热储下伏太古界的热流测定研究还鲜见报道,主要受限于以往的地热勘查开发层位主要在1800m以浅的蓟县系岩溶热储,揭露岩溶热储下伏太古界的钻孔稀少。2018年以来,在雄安新区牛驼镇地热田实施了D01深部地热参数井,揭穿了高于庄组岩溶热储,并揭露太古界厚度达1723.67m,给该地区岩溶热储下伏太古界的热流测定研究提供了条件。
研究方法 本文基于近稳态钻孔测温及岩心热导率测试,对D01井太古界进行了热流测定及分析。
研究结果 结果表明:D01井太古界呈显著的传导型地温特征,地温梯度为18.3℃/km,相比于新近系地温梯度48.6℃/km偏低。测得25块D01井太古界片麻岩岩心样品的热导率平均值为(2.41±0.40)W/(K·m)。根据钻孔测温数据及热导率测试,计算出D01井太古界2300~2700m深度的热流值为(44.1±7.0)mW/m2。同时,估算了D01井新近系400~800m深度段的热流值为84.6mW/m2,较太古界高出40.5mW/m2。
结论 分析认为D01井新近系较太古界高出热流主要为高孔渗岩溶白云岩层中地下水侧向热对流作用以及牛东断裂地下水垂向热对流作用共同所致。研究结果对前人提出的地下水运移聚热模式及导热断裂聚热模式提供了数据支撑,对雄安新区深部地热资源成因机制和太古界地温场研究具有重要意义。
Abstract:The paper is the result of geothermal geology survey engineering.
Objective The heat flow values in Xiong'an New Area are mostly measured from the Neogene sedimentary cap and dolomite strata. The previous geothermal exploration and utilization horizons are mainly karst thermal reservoirs shallower than 1800m in the Jixian System and the boreholes exposing the Archean are scarce in Xiong'an New Area. Heat flow determinations and analyses from Archean under the karst thermal reservoir are rarely reported by previous researchers. Since 2018, D 01 deep geothermal parameter well with a depth of 3403.67m has been implemented in Niutuozhen geothermal field in Xiong'an New Area. The karst thermal reservoir of the whole Gaoyuzhaung Formation was exposed and the Archean of 1723.67m was drilled by D01 well. The D01 well provides the conditions for the heat flow study from Archean under the karst thermal reservoir in this area.
Methods Based on borehole temperature measurement and thermal conductivity tests, the study on the heat flow from the Archean of D01 well was carried out.
Results The results showed that the Archean of D01 well has significant geothermal characteristics of conduction type, and the geothermal gradient is 18.3℃/km, which is lower than the Neogene geothermal gradient of 48.6℃/km. The thermal conductivity values of 25 Archean gneiss core samples of D01 well were measured with an average value of (2.41±0.40) W/(K·m). Based on the temperature measurement curve and thermal conductivity data of 2300-2700m section of D01 well, the Archean heat flow of D01 well was calculated to be (44.1±7.0) mW/m2. The heat flow of the Neogene sedimentary cap of D01 well was estimated to be 84.6 mW/m2.
Conclusions The higher part 40.5 mW/m2 than Archean of D01 well was considered to be mainly contributed by the lateral convection heat transfer of groundwater in high pore-permeable karst dolomite and the vertical convection heat transfer of groundwater in the Niudong fault. The research results can provide the basic data for the previous heat accumulation mechanism of the groundwater transport and the heat conduction fault. And the results are of great significance to the genetic mechanism of deep geothermal resources and the geothermal field of Archean in Xiong'an New Area.
图 1 渤海湾盆地构造单元图(a)和牛驼镇凸起基岩地质简图(b)(改自马敬业等,1990)
Figure 1.
图 5 DR井静井261 d后测温曲线(Jiang et al., 2016)
Figure 5.
图 6 牛驼镇凸起地热地质概念模式图(地层剖面改自王贵玲等,2018)
Figure 6.
表 1 D01井太古界片麻岩岩心热导率测试统计
Table 1. Thermal conductivity of Archean gneiss core samples in D01 well
表 2 D01井和DR井分段热流对比
Table 2. Comparison of heat flow between D01 well and DR well
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