Discovery and Geological Significance of Late Triassic A–Type Granite in Jalaid Banner, Middle of Great Xing’an Range
大兴安岭中部在三叠纪叠加了古亚洲洋和蒙古−鄂霍茨克洋的影响,其构造背景存较大争议。笔者对大兴安岭中部扎赉特旗中粗粒正长花岗岩进行岩石学、岩石地球化学、锆石LA−ICP−MS U−Pb测年和Lu−Hf同位素分析。结果显示:锆石U−Pb年龄加权平均值为(228.5±2.0)Ma(MSWD=2.8);岩石高Si、富Fe、高K、低Sr和Eu,相对富Nb和富Zr,高10000×Ga/Al(3.0~3.1);全岩锆饱和温度平均值为805 ℃;综合判定该套花岗岩为铝质A型花岗岩。该岩体的εHf(t)值为+5.28~+8.00,二阶段Hf模式年龄(TDM2)为683~832 Ma,指示花岗岩可能形成于新增生地壳物质的部分熔融。综合区域已有研究成果,表明扎赉特旗地区的古亚洲洋残余洋盆在二叠纪闭合并进入碰撞造山阶段,晚三叠世A型花岗岩的出现,标志着本区进入造山后伸展阶段。
Abstract:The middle of Great Xing’an Range superimposed the influence of the Paleo–Asian ocean and the Mongol–Okhotsk ocean in the Triassic, and its tectonic setting remains controversial. Taking the medium-coarse grained texture syenogranite in Jalaid Banner, middle of Great Xing’an Range as research object, the study on petrology, geochemistry, zircon LA–ICP–MS U–Pb age and Lu–Hf isotope compositions have been carried out. The results show that the weighted average zircon U–Pb age of the granite is (228.5±2.0) Ma (MSWD=2.8); The rocks are high in Si, Fe and K, depleted in Sr and EU, relatively rich in Nb and Zr, and high in 10000×Ga/Al (3.0~3.1); The average of zircon saturation temperature is 805 ℃; It is comprehensively determined that the granite is considered to be the aluminous A–type granite. The granite εHf(t) values range from + 5.28 to + 8.00, and the TDM2 range from 683 Ma to 832 Ma, indicating that the granite may have been formed by partial melting of neoaccretionary crustal materials. Based on the regional research results, this paper holds that the residual ocean basin of the Paleo–Asian ocean in the Jalaid Banner closed and entered the collision orogeny stage in the Permian, and the appearance of A–type granite in the Late Triassic indicates that the area entered the post-orogenic extension stage.
Key words:
- geochemistry /
- Late Triassic /
- A–type granite /
- Paleo–Asian ocean /
- Jalaid Banner /
- middle of Great Xing’an Range
图 1 大兴安岭中部晚二叠世—早三叠世沉积地层分布图(据李世超等,2017修改)
Figure 1.
图 8 球粒陨石标准化的REE图(标准化数值据Taylor et al.,1985)
Figure 8.
图 9 原始地幔标准化的微量元素蛛网图(标准化数值据Sun et al.,1989)
Figure 9.
图 11 簸箕山中粗粒正长花岗岩A型花岗岩判别图(据Whalen al.,1987;Eby,1992)
Figure 11.
表 1 簸箕山中粗粒正长花岗岩主量元素(%)和微量元素(10−6)分析结果
Table 1. Major (%) and trace (10−6) elements compositions of Bojishan medium-coarse grained texture syenogranite
样品号 5458TWYQ1 5458TWYQ2 5458TWYQ3 5458TWYQ4 样品号 5458TWYQ1 5458TWYQ2 5458TWYQ3 5458TWYQ4 SiO2 74.78 73.65 74.94 74.92 Tm 0.56 0.61 0.58 0.47 TiO2 0.15 0.22 0.14 0.13 Yb 3.63 4.06 3.65 3.04 Al2O3 12.51 13.50 12.85 12.67 Lu 0.52 0.59 0.52 0.42 Fe2O3 1.26 1.79 1.31 1.14 Y 32.86 37.17 34.98 27.27 FeO 0.54 0.36 0.54 0.49 ∑REE 319.72 288.57 345.22 297.26 MnO 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 LREE 293.76 260.84 318.04 275.82 MgO 0.10 0.06 0.04 0.06 HREE 25.96 27.73 27.18 21.44 CaO 0.58 0.69 0.57 0.57 (La/Yb)N 11.97 10.08 13.16 13.04 Na2O 3.86 3.79 3.79 3.64 Eu* 0.07 0.17 0.08 0.06 K2O 5.60 5.49 5.52 5.36 Rb 179.94 175.58 182.96 178.48 P2O5 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.02 Ba 153.07 397.10 158.09 131.50 LOI 0.44 0.28 0.36 0.71 Th 15.92 23.35 20.13 13.44 Total 99.85 99.91 100.10 99.73 U 2.11 2.91 1.97 1.97 TFeO 1.67 1.97 1.72 1.52 Nb 16.16 18.82 15.47 14.29 TFeO/MgO 17.22 32.87 40.87 26.62 Ta 1.11 1.49 1.00 0.96 K2O/Na2O 1.45 1.45 1.46 1.47 Sr 51.36 110.92 51.64 51.63 A/NK 1.01 1.11 1.05 1.07 Zr 216.01 253.37 194.14 178.82 A/CNK 0.93 1.01 0.97 0.99 Hf 7.18 8.31 7.59 6.64 La 64.33 60.65 71.11 58.60 Cr 20.42 23.03 16.70 22.82 Ce 150.29 120.81 157.44 146.66 Ga 20.09 21.19 20.83 20.44 Pr 15.22 15.03 17.16 13.66 Co 3.64 3.61 4.06 3.91 Nd 54.47 54.35 61.88 48.93 Ni 2.59 2.97 1.70 1.84 Sm 9.25 9.50 10.19 7.83 Li 2.80 4.41 2.50 2.35 Eu 0.20 0.49 0.26 0.15 Be 3.55 4.16 3.89 3.47 Gd 8.04 8.05 8.71 6.78 Sc 2.99 2.07 3.26 3.38 Tb 1.25 1.37 1.34 1.06 Zr-Nb-Ce-Y 415.32 430.17 402.03 367.04 Dy 7.09 7.58 7.34 5.66 10000Ga/Al 3.03 2.97 3.06 3.05 Ho 1.18 1.34 1.24 0.98 锆石饱和温度 803 825 798 794 Er 3.69 4.11 3.80 3.04 表 2 簸箕山中粗粒正长花岗岩(样品5458TW)锆石LA–ICP–MS定年分析结果
Table 2. Results of zircon LA–ICP–MS dating analysis of Bojishan medium–coarse grained texture syenogranite (Sample 5458TW)
测点号 Th U Th/U 同位素比值 年龄(Ma) (10–6) 207Pb/206Pb ±1δ 207Pb/235U ±1δ 206Pb/238U ±1δ 207Pb/206Pb ±1δ 207Pb/235U ±1δ 206Pb/238U ±1δ 01 378 959 0.39 0.05364 0.00136 0.27628 0.00778 0.03719 0.00057 367 57 248 6 235 4 02 330 686 0.48 0.05180 0.00136 0.26206 0.00714 0.03654 0.00040 276 64 236 6 231 2 03 404 1010 0.40 0.05197 0.00120 0.26117 0.00640 0.03620 0.00031 283 56 236 5 229 2 04 165 388 0.43 0.07682 0.00519 0.39250 0.02941 0.03636 0.00064 1117 140 336 21 230 4 05 490 620 0.79 0.05121 0.00138 0.25733 0.00699 0.03634 0.00038 250 61 233 6 230 2 06 112 187 0.60 0.05453 0.00235 0.27077 0.01111 0.03629 0.00046 394 94 243 9 230 3 07 41 69 0.60 0.05505 0.00507 0.26506 0.02421 0.03507 0.00080 413 207 239 19 222 5 08 339 702 0.48 0.05154 0.00144 0.25807 0.00756 0.03611 0.00039 265 65 233 6 229 2 09 147 407 0.36 0.05097 0.00181 0.25619 0.00963 0.03632 0.00060 239 83 232 8 230 4 10 31 118 0.26 0.05274 0.00249 0.25670 0.01198 0.03512 0.00053 317 107 232 10 223 3 11 123 313 0.39 0.05371 0.00207 0.26161 0.01062 0.03476 0.00051 367 55 236 9 220 3 12 412 1042 0.40 0.05233 0.00160 0.27109 0.00819 0.03753 0.00058 298 70 244 7 238 4 13 221 497 0.45 0.05438 0.00159 0.27852 0.00854 0.03695 0.00043 387 65 249 7 234 3 14 237 471 0.50 0.05051 0.00157 0.24961 0.00781 0.03570 0.00038 217 70 226 6 226 2 15 125 324 0.39 0.05021 0.00170 0.24519 0.00826 0.03537 0.00047 211 78 223 7 224 3 16 273 771 0.35 0.05189 0.00143 0.25854 0.00687 0.03579 0.00052 280 63 233 6 227 3 17 180 424 0.42 0.04842 0.00149 0.24527 0.00827 0.03648 0.00049 120 68 223 7 231 3 18 127 328 0.39 0.05202 0.00175 0.25291 0.00847 0.03523 0.00041 287 76 229 7 223 3 19 1142 1118 1.02 0.05018 0.00119 0.25017 0.00608 0.03603 0.00036 211 56 227 5 228 2 20 146 364 0.40 0.04879 0.00156 0.23619 0.00735 0.03516 0.00034 200 74 215 6 223 2 21 225 482 0.47 0.05290 0.00201 0.25998 0.01034 0.03547 0.00051 324 87 235 8 225 3 22 199 523 0.38 0.05183 0.00137 0.27336 0.00813 0.03810 0.00055 280 64 245 6 241 3 23 406 841 0.48 0.05220 0.00126 0.26285 0.00667 0.03660 0.00050 295 56 237 5 232 3 24 89 193 0.46 0.05123 0.00215 0.25701 0.01083 0.03658 0.00055 250 98 232 9 232 3 表 3 簸箕山中粗粒正长花岗岩(样品5458TW)锆石Hf同位素数据分析结果
Table 3. Results of Lu–Hf isotopic compositions of Bojishan medium–coarse grained texture syenogranite (Sample 5458TW)
测点号 年龄(Ma) 176Yb/177Hf 176Lu/177Hf 176Hf/177Hf 2σ εHf(t) TDM1(Ma) TDM2(Ma) ƒLu/Hf 03 229 0.051222 0.001517 0.282831 0.000014 7.01 599 739 −0.95 06 230 0.034238 0.001078 0.282791 0.000016 5.69 649 814 −0.97 07 222 0.066185 0.002142 0.282803 0.000025 5.78 651 802 −0.94 08 229 0.054429 0.001638 0.282860 0.000019 8.00 560 683 −0.95 10 223 0.038090 0.001269 0.282834 0.000021 7.04 591 733 −0.96 12 238 0.036658 0.001139 0.282815 0.000014 6.69 617 764 −0.97 13 234 0.067704 0.002131 0.282807 0.000017 6.17 645 790 −0.94 15 224 0.047940 0.001589 0.282785 0.000017 5.28 667 832 −0.95 16 227 0.047422 0.001421 0.282807 0.000014 6.12 633 787 −0.96 17 231 0.040945 0.001259 0.282813 0.000016 6.47 621 771 −0.96 18 223 0.016970 0.000520 0.282824 0.000015 6.80 593 746 −0.98 19 228 0.076378 0.002346 0.282837 0.000020 7.07 605 735 −0.93 20 223 0.022040 0.000683 0.282807 0.000015 6.16 620 782 −0.98 24 232 0.046200 0.001469 0.282831 0.000016 7.10 598 737 −0.96 -
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