Abstract:Marine vertical cable seismic data acquisition has the characteristics of high resolution and high precision true 3D imaging. As an important part of the future ocean stereoscopic observation system, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze the factors that affect the lighting in the ocean vertical cable observation system, and select the best design plan. Based on the actual situation, the paper analyzes the impact of shot point density, receiver point density, height from the bottom, inclination angle of vertical cable and stratum tilt on the illumination of the target layer, and found that the shot point density and receiver point density directly affect the total coverage of the target layer. The inclination of the vertical cable affects the position of the low coverage zone. The slope of the seabed and the inclination of the target layer make the lighting condensing range move. The underground ridge target layer has a larger coverage area and better lighting. When designing the observation system, not only the above-mentioned influencing factors should be considered, but the position of the vertical cable should also be laid in high coverage area according to the stratum slope and the vertical cable dip.
图 2 海洋垂直缆各节点实际位置[4]
Figure 2.
表 1 三维水平层速度模型
Table 1. Three-dimension horizontal layer velocity model
序号 高程/m 纵波速度/(m/s) 密度/(kg/m3) 1 0 1 500 1 000 2 −1 295 1 700 1 600 3 −1 424 2 350 1 900 4 −1 504 1 700 2 000 5 −2 000 2 700 2 200 表 2 观测系统参数对比方案
Table 2. Observation system parameter comparison scheme
方案 倾角/° 离底高度/m 道间距/m 道数 炮线距 炮线数 炮间距 炮点数 1 5 12.5 6.25 100 50 81 50 81 2 5 12.5 6.25 100 12.5 321 12.5 321 3 5 12.5 12.5 50 12.5 321 12.5 321 4 5 300 6.25 100 12.5 321 12.5 321 5 10 12.5 6.25 100 12.5 321 12.5 321 -
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